i'm excited to get this blog started. for the time being most of my photo's on here will be based on assignments for my certificate course. i'm excited that we're starting our history of photography section because i'll get to play with the camera (eek, i can't edit the photo's though...!!).
to get your first taste of me (and because the internet doesn't like me tonight) here's my favorite shots from last semester's free shoot's!
Please note that all images are copyrighted to nicole marie robbins photography, 2010.
Can't wait to show you more!
- Nicole Marie Robbins
- Boston, Massachusetts, United States
"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence"
-Ansel Adams
I'm Nicole and I'm glad you have stumbled upon my little space on the net to show you what I do as a portrait and fine art photographer in the Boston Area. By day, I am a college administrator for a local art college and can't get enough of the students I get to work with! Personally, I like books on a rainy day, the smells of fall (apple crisp, foliage, pumpkin spice lattes!), and traveling. Some of my dislikes include Boston traffic, dirty dishes, and sweet iced tea.
Feel free to look around. Get an idea about my photography style, learn more about me, even be introduced into my life. Come back soon!